Do you realize over 80% of horses experience undiagnosed body pain, stress, and unidentified asymmetry? 

Are you tired of paying money to still have unsolved problems?

People come to me to solve: unidentified body pain, asymmetry, and all the associated consequences BECAUSE these are THE primary cause of training and performance issues, lower limb injury, hoof imbalance, unnecessary wear and tear, chronic stress, ulcers, and other health problems in most horses.

Are you ready to unlock your horse's full potential?

Savannah Aliy Jackson and The Optimum Horse™ proudly presents:

The Symmetry Physiology Masterclass™

Identify horse pain, crookedness and compensation in a Standard Systematic way

BEFORE they become bigger problems, unnecessary injuries and other health crises.

Learn to apply and practice the foundation of The Optimum Horse ~ Symmetry Physiology™ and correct these issues on any horse, anytime and anywhere; with immediate results

Identify the root sources of stress and how horses process it.

All of this and so much more in 90 days or less


This Curriculum is for:

Equine Practitioners





Who want...

NEW Tools and Knowledge


Horses Feeling their Best 

The BEST Connection and Relationship with the horses

SATISFACTION of having the Answers 

WITHOUT guessing games, frustration, and loss of time, energy, and money with only mediocre results.

The Optimum Horse ~ Symmetry Physiology™ courses are proven, science-based, and results-driven.

Crack the Horse Health Code.

There is a path to Lifetime Soundness.

When Savannah first started to treat a few of my clients horses, just after one treatment I realized from the way ALL the horses felt, this treatment completely superseded anything else I had experienced before in UK.

- Ali Hughes-dressage trainer Woodside, Ca

Savannah worked on our horses before the World Equestrian Games in 2018 was a huge part of our success there.

- Warwick and Robyn Schiller WEG Tryon 2018

Savannah Aliy Jackson, in developing The Optimum Horse System, brings an incredibly comprehensive, systematic, and full spectrum approach to Performance, Race and companion horse industries.

-Happy Client

"I often work with horse health professionals and riders who feel frustrated with not feeling like they can get ahead of the curve with eliminating injuries along with most of the problems that have become expected and common in every horse. They feel like they are missing something and that there has to be a better way to have all horses happier and healthier in all areas of performance, vitality, and longevity."

"We want to unlock the full potential in each and every horse we work with, seeing them all thriving without pain and loving what they do, for their whole lives, deepening the partnership and connection with us and re-igniting the passion and love that got us to dedicate our lives to horses in the first place."

Do you have that deep feeling of DREAD? Worried your horse has unidentified pain? Stress? Crookedness?

Aren’t you TIRED of managing the same problems and no good answers to WHY

Frustrated and at the end of your rope with spending all this time, money and energy to help your partner instead of enjoying them and having FUN like you are supposed to?

Unhappy with the current available options and possibly even ANGRY about the current system’s shortcomings and guessing games?

Exhausted with looking for the next clue, answer, technique, training or knowledge that will eek out a marginal improvement?

Struggling to stand out in the crowd, with your practice or your clients or winning performances?

Losing sleep at night wondering “If ONLY I….” or “I wish I had...” or “What if…?”

Feeling STUCK, maybe contemplating quitting riding or feeling GUILTY?

Feeling like you are MISSING SOMETHING..knowing there is something wrong and no one else can find it or fix it.

Exhausted from looking tirelessly for the answers, but all you get is the same information repackaged into more, better, and slightly different? 

Feel like GIVING UP but you can’t? AFRAID of getting hurt, or your horse getting hurt? 

Feeling LOST? Disempowered to get your horse feeling the best they can, happy and full of life, thriving? Powerless to what all of the experts tell you or really knowing yourself what’s wrong and how to fix it?

Let’s face it, the Equine Industry is Broken and Stuck. We have been chasing our tails for a long time.

It's time for a BIG breakthrough.

The entire industry has been missing a HUGE part of the equation. We are evolving and getting closer, but there has never been a Universal method or system to find, describe and fix these issues...maybe until now...

The Horse’s Natural Asymmetry has NEVER been described or accounted for.

This seemingly minor miscalculation causes:

Owners stress and lose sleep about their equines unknown source of pain

We look in all the wrong places, and blame ourselves

Trainers to try EVERYTHING they know to fix a lameness or biomechanical issue, or it gets classified as something that is “normal”, “that’s just the way they are” and training will correct

Undiagnosed or mis-diagnosed pain

Treatment that does not work

$$$$ Tens of thousands of dollars poured into diagnostics, supplements, and therapies of all kinds, many times with no answers or good solutions.

Clients disappointment in a lack of answers for their equine partners

Slower competition times and lackluster or bad performance 

Career ending or life ending injuries 

Passionate horse lovers have to give up or put down their animals because they can’t solve the problem

"The problems we consider NORMAL are a symptom of this fundamental issue that has been ignored for too long..."

This is the FIRST & ONLY complete system that has the potential to become the Universal language and STANDARD to describe and fix pain and asymmetry. 

This is the foundation of The Optimum Horse ~ Symmetry Physiology™

This 90-day program is a simple hands-on SYSTEM that empowers you to improve a horse's performance and health IMMEDIATELY and see results - On ANY horse, any age, any discipline, and at any level of health. 


The Optimum Horse ~ Symmetry Physiology™
During this 90 Day Masterclass you will learn:

  • Hands on tools to identify and correct your horse's natural asymmetry-permanently
  • Predict and prevent major issues-safety and injury-before they happen
  • Speak and APPLY a Universal language of horse asymmetry and crookedness 
  • Set your horses up for their best balance and MOVEMENT biomechanically
  • Empower yourself with a daily systems check to prevent injuries/frustration and safety 
  • Shorten training time, increase progress and remove plateaus
  • Remedy common issues such as topline weakness, sacroiliac pain, joint problems, weight issues, high-low syndrome, laterality, sidedness, uneven travel and difficult saddle fit, etc.
  • Learn Kinetic Fascial chains, biotensegrity and basic Equine Postural Restoration™ and how to reset their Symmetry and Performance
  • Distinguish PAIN from BEHAVIOR and where it comes from
  • Make you and your horses STAND OUT from the crowd
  • Experience relief from solving the mystery of your horse's pain
  • Identify and avoid making the mistakes that keep you stuck, lost, and helpless to help your horse
  • Speak a Universal language to help your horses pain and stress sources with all practitioners
  • Deepen the relationship with your horses, clients and the understanding of how they feel
  • Feel pride and empowerment & Major A-HA moments because you are connecting the dots for your horses and clients
  • Confidence in your own work and performance leading to more success
  • A potentially new career and income stream for your work & ability to help ALL horses
  • Increase the value of horses & investments in time, money & energy.
  • How to remove the source of stress and the stress state (sympathetic dominance) & return the body to its natural parasympathetic healing state and keep it there 
  • Learning Equine Postural Restoration, posture adaptations as they are distinguished from conformation, and how each part relates to and affects the whole
  • Create a roadmap to Healing and Correct Physiology
  • Real practices to fix the ROOT of the problems with your horses
  • Where this science can take all of us in the future.

Become an Optimum Horse

Equine Performance Technician™

Stop doing the same things and expecting different outcomes. There is an easier and fundamental way that will give you deep relief and satisfaction with permanent, consistently improving results. 

You will be empowered with a process you can use anywhere, anytime on any horse, and get the answers and results you need.

Stack the Odds in your favor and set yourself and your horses up for excellence.

There is an easier way to happy clients and results in a way that FEELS GREAT for you and your horse and getting results you only dreamed possible, that EVERYONE can see.

The Optimum Horse ~ Equine Performance Technician Curriculum™ DECODES the new world of what is possible with horses. 

7-Step Framework

1. Re-Connect

Preparation & Foundation

Preparation of yourself and the horses. Get to your big WHY. Get to know each other, the System, the course, and the structure. Grounding, breathing, centering, listening. Personal Success path development. Reconnecting with our own health improves and develops how we help and interact with our horses.

2. Realize

The Science

Learn the research, what is currently known, and the science behind it. Understand the Origin of Asymmetry. Comprehensive theory, philosophy, and science behind solving crookedness. Where it all starts. Research done and possibilities of the impact of this new knowledge and field of study.

3. Recognize

Birth Physiology™

The Foundation of the Signature System-What is normal? How does this present itself in the horse’s body, and if uncorrected, their whole life?

Root sources of stress. Sympathetic/Parasympathetic Dominance™Develop your eye for biomechanic asymmetry, identify the patterns and consequences. Learn basic energetics. Connect the dots. Major A-Ha's!

4. Revelation

Evaluate & Assess

Learn how to accurately and specifically evaluate your horse, learn over 150 points of assessment, pain and crookedness, range of motion, and other assessment tools which make up the signature Symmetry Physiology™ System and the beginning of a Universal Standard.

The Source of Stress is determined. Also covered: nutrition, emotion, biomechanics. Learn to use the digital forms and develop your own case studies.

5. Restore

Decode & Doing it

Postural Restoration™

This is where it gets really exciting! Decoding and doing it! Learn and practice all of the hands-on releases. Understand, LEARN and USE the Releases/modalities/energy work that helps your horse restore their posture, correct their natural crookedness, id the stress spectrum and set them up for the best success.

7. Radiate-Rejoice

Experience Unparalleled Success

The Stand and The Movement

Horses and Humans radiating the most vitality, connection, and joie d’ vivre. The full potential is unlocked! Oneness is a daily expereince.

Understand where to take your new knowledge and practice. Business and Marketing Support. Future research, data collection, and collaboration with The Optimum Horse program. Get more practice and real-time support in your evaluations and new skill set. Create the opportunities to master your skills.

6. Re-Ignite

Create Breakthroughs


This is the NEW frontier! Practice and develop many breakthroughs with many horses. Develop new case studies, learn from shared case studies and also learn to remedy nutritional and emotional sources of stress as well. Welcome The Optimum Horse. become an Optimum Performance Equine Technician™

" This is where we get to rewrite the story and history of what is possible with horses. Everything is possible. The glass ceiling is broken."




Personalized Success Path

A clear action plan we create together. A BLUEPRINT to follow for accountability for YOUR results - AND with your horses and clients


Lifetime Access

Founding Members have access to this version and all upgrades and evolutions of this course


Reference Guides and Resources

A workbook you can print and an extensive video library you can reference to learn and practice the Universal Language. Resources for anatomy, energetics, nutrition, feet, teeth, bones and biomechanics


Weekly LIVE Q&A and Case Study video calls

Watch live and bring your questions and challenges with your weekly practice and case studies or watch the recordings....or BOTH!

What's Included as a Founding Member...

17+ Modules with 10+ Lessons and tests in each

Each Module is PACKED with content. And many lessons and tests in each to make sure you are getting results.

Reference Guide and extensive Video Library

A workbook to aid in learning the Universal Language

Private FB Group & Community

Support & Coaching inside group

Weekly Live Case Study Review

Weekly Zoom Q& A

Priority Access

First position and discounts on ALL other courses, live and virtual; and the most direct and personalized access to Savannah


Digital Forms and Data Collection Tools !

Affiliate Interviews

LIVE hands on days in YOUR TOWN!

(Dates TBD)


Book a Call

This is the new lens to view the entire horse industry through- it's not just about horse performance OR horse health, but all of it- the whole package- Optimum Horse Health, Performance, AND Longevity.

This is the new science, The Optimum Horse ~ Symmetry Physiology

Access to this unlocks all the rest

Relationship. Performance Breakthrough. Connection. Results. Peak Condition. Horses feeling their best.
There is an easier way to get happier clients and results in a way that actually FEELS GOOD for you and your horse and gets you results you only dreamed possible, that EVERYONE can see.

This is a tried and proven system ANYONE can learn, practice and apply EVEN IF:

🐴 You have tried EVERYTHING already

🐴 You can’t “AFFORD” it

🐴 You don't “have the time”

🐴 You have struggled to try and figure this all out yourself

🐴 You are skeptical and this “SOUNDS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE"

🐴 You are worried about not being able to do it, or hurting your horse or “doing it wrong”

🐴 You are worried about failing and doing something NEW amongst old tried and true practices

🐴 you are perplexed, flabbergasted, etc..Why didn’t I KNOW this already? Why isn’t this talked about? 

🐴 You are wondering can this be done online?

🐴 You feel worried and guilty that the horses could be hurting and you didn’t know

There is a better way. A simple system. A hands-on tool. It allows you to understand and unlock the full potential of your horses.

Take control of their health and performance, and stop the madness.


Have you ever felt:

  • Unhappy with unforeseen injury, major medical issues, and inconsistent/below average performance?
  • That you’ve poured a LOT of money into therapies, medicine, vet calls, supplements, special care, education, training, etc to improve health, comfort and performance with only temporary and mediocre  results?
  • You want to better understand horses so that they can serve clients and their animals better?
  • As a practioner, that you want to fix the root of the problem quickly for their clients and better the life of their clients horses?
  • People who would rather understand their horse instead of spending years and millions to fix behavior and horsemanship training when it might be pain/stress/asymmetry related?

It's your choice.

Maintain Status Quo

Try and figure it out yourself. Continue leaving your horses health and peak performance to chance. Continue the guessing games and the frustration of chasing symptoms. Spend lots of extra time and money with mediocre results.

Join us!

Learn Symmetry Physiology! Rewrite horse history. Practice Postural Restoration™ and horses get to be pain-free and feeling their best. You are empowered with new knowledge and becoming an Optimum Performance Horse Technician


My Story...

My name is Savannah Aliy Jackson. I have made it my life's purpose to understand WHY and WHERE these chronic problems that plague our horses and our industry come from. They are far too common, and what is worse they are EXPECTED and considered NORMAL. Why our system is missing the answers and how to connect the dots. 

As an Optimum Horse Equine Performance Technician I believe it is absolutely possible to create LIFETIME SOUNDNESS in all horses, and really unlock the full potential of every horse for their whole lives.  From the highest performing equine athlete to beloved amateur mounts

I believe our direct and only access to this lifetime potential is restoring their natural symmetry and posture (biotensegrity) and get to the root source of their stress. This is the most powerful thing that we have influence over in setting horses up for their best success and happiness. 

Horses have been set up to break down so much sooner than necessary. 

The current system ultimately fails them and fails us because it has been missing a huge piece of the horse puzzle. 

This puzzle piece is the most foundational and fundamental piece of the entire equation.

Every horse owner and professional can easily learn how to access Lifetime Soundness™ in all their horses and give back to the horses. Learn to unlock their horse's full potential for their whole lives, prevent unnecessary injuries, and get to the deepest level of connection partnership they have always dreamed of. It's why we dedicate our livelihoods to them in the first place.

As we gain momentum as a community and as a movement to evolve and transform the current health and performance paradigm in the involved equine industries and agencies, we can employ a Universal language and a standard to measure, evaluate, decode and resolve many of the mysteries and questions that have burdened us and our horses for decades.

This education is the starting point and I am very honored you are all here with me in this very worthy journey.

Welcome to The Optimum Horse ~ Symmetry Physiology™!

This scientifically proven system empowers us as owners, trainers, veterinarians, and practitioners with new tools to help more horses and shift the understanding for optimum health. 

The goal has three tiers: create a Universal language to describe and find undiagnosed pain and asymmetry. Develop a standard to measure it.  Share our knowledge, wisdom, and experience and learn collectively through collaboration.

The Symmetry Physiology Masterclass™ is the first big step in the curriculum.  An incredible tool that will answer many questions about the sources of un-diagnosed pain, patterns of compensation, uneven loading, bio-mechanic asymmetry, lackluster performance, and down and dirty behavior stuff. It will give you the whole system in a simplified format, so you can start helping your horses and ALL horses, TODAY. This is the foundation and starting point in becoming a Certified Equine Performance Technician™

Creating lifetime soundness in all horses, unlocking their highest potential in health, vitality, and performance is what I do.

Empowering passionate horse people to achieve that dream connection and “in-the-zone” rides every day and in every horse. Reconnecting to the deepest inspiration and satisfaction in what is possible with all horses. We break the glass ceiling in health and vitality, giving horses joy and a happy partnership with their humans; this is who I am.

More Success Stories

My name is Kirsten Johnson I am the owner of KESMARC in Versailles, Kentucky. I have been in equine rehabilitation for close to 30 years and worked with horses of all disciplines at the highest level, from Breeders Cup winners to Olympic horses and world champions in multiple breeds. Savannah moved to KY a short time ago and we became acquainted, in our first encounter working together I gave her the worst physical problem horses in my barn that were not responding to the best traditional treatments available. The benefits that she has given those horses has been amazing. I should do case studies because quite honestly it’s remarkable in some cases. Whether you have a high end competitive equine athlete, a post operative or horse recovering from injury or a family horse you wish to give the best care to Savannah’s unique approach can be of real benefit. This approach not only fixes problems but also keeps horses sound and happy with her complete body maintenance . I highly recommend The Optimum Horse system!


It’s been a week since my horse's appointment. I waited to do a review because Savannah guarantees her work, and while it made a HUGE immediate difference, I wanted to be able to give my observations at a week out. Y’all, my horse is so much happier! He has more bounce in his step, a lot of his grumpiness has dissipated, his pain level has plummeted, and he has a smile on his face. When Savannah first began the evaluation she could describe to me how he rides, and the chaos it can be. As she worked on him he was able to stand square, you could see the tenderness in his body from how he was distributing his weight melt away. This is exactly what we have been hoping for and are so glad Savannah with Optimum Horse has come our way. Now Réve will get more sessions, one was not the end, but we all know it’s worth it. If you have any doubt in your mind, just take the plunge, contact Savannah, schedule an appointment. Your horse will thank you.

-  Jessica Mohr, Reve and Radiant

Savannah worked on our horses before the World Equestrian Games in 2018 was a huge part of our success there.

We love the work she does on the horses, and so do the horses. Oscar and Petey were the oldest horses at WEG Tryon 2019

Robyn and Oscar a new Leader! WEG score of 220.5!

- Warwick and Robyn Schiller WEG Tryon 2018

Savannah Aliy Jackson, in developing The Optimum Horse System, brings an incredibly comprehensive, systematic, and full spectrum approach to Performance, Race and companion horse industries. It creates a foundation for sustaining overall equine health, optimum performance, biomechanics and alignment. The results being horses at their best-and feeling their best to give it their all without breakdown, injury or worry.

- A Happy Client

Savannah has worked on my ranch versatility horse a couple times and when I first bought her at 4yrs old she was moving good until she started bucking when I would ask for the canter. So I took her to the vet and found out that she had kissing spine. Since I didn't want to inject her back or get the surgery, I decided to try bodywork on her. A friend of mine recommended Savannah to me and she came out and watched my horse walk and I mentioned the kissing spine to her. She began working on my mare and I came to find out that she had a couple painful spots where she was out of place. She showed me some stretches to do in between sessions and by doing those stretches and bodywork sessions, I am able to ride my horse and compete on her today. I am still doing those daily stretches today and because of that and good nutrition, my horse is moving really good and is loving her job.

I recommend Savannah because I feel that she does more then just what a normal chiropractor does and its almost like a little massage with some stretching. She will also give you great nutritional advice too. To get a better understanding of Savannah and what she does I recommend going to one of her demos and having her evaluate your horse, since that is how I learned about her method. It starts with a demo and being open o trying something new on your horse.

Thank you Savannah for doing such a great job on my horses.

- Heather Bryant


Put your heart in it NOW- Limited Enrollment
